Brief history of the breed
Basenji dog is a rarity among modern dog breeds. Cradle of this race was identified by specialists in the dense forest in central Africa, specifically in the Congo Basin. It is also called the "Dog of Congo" or "dog Zaire". One theory holds that ancient race descended from wild dogs Basenji named Pariah (or Dogs Pi), animals who survive today in some wild areas in India and China.

According to some sources Basenji documentation was used as a hunting dog since 3600 years BC and legends persist under which specimens of the breed were given to ancient Egyptian pharaohs hunting. Ancient reliefs of funerary complexes dedicated to the great pharaohs reflect familiar silhouette lying at the feet of these dogs owners on directly to them, or animals caught in hunting, horse-drawn companion. Compact but elegant silhouette, pointed snout and tail wrapped back are elements that stand out clearly stylized stone. The decline of civilization in the Nile caused the dogs to be more common in northeastern Africa, but they continued to proliferate in the home, dense jungles of Central Europe.
The breed was first observed by Europeans in around 1895, and the name was taken from the Lingala language, a dialect used bantu tribes and Mangbetu Azande, dominant in northeastern Congo River basin. Locals also called the "dog savages" or "bush dog". In Swahili, another Bantu language from rich family, dog names sound very similar to the name used today. Basenji home proved very skilled in the difficult hunt raccoons and other rodents, hanging thickets of dense rainforest date. First specimens brought to England could not acclimatize and died shortly. Only after 1930 could establish a viable stock breeding adapted apt to England shortly penetrating dogs in the United States of America. In 1943 AKC formally adopted Basenji breed. Stock breeding official U.S. Basenji Club was completed in 2010 with about 40 native specimens collected from the Basankusu, located in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with the officials of this African country. Over time it promoted the idea that these dogs were descended from jackals rather than from wolves, like most breeds of dogs. But extensive genetic studies have shown descended from wolves, surrounding this breed still a "small club" called Canis lupus dingo generic, which includes Dingo races in Australia, Malaysia Telomian, Ridgeback in Thailand and New Guinea Singing Dog.

Description and maintaining race

Lifespan: 12-14 years
Group: Hound / Sighthound
Color: red-brick on white, black on white, dark red on white, sandy-gold on white, tricolor (combination of red and black spots on a white background), brindle (black stripes on brick background in combination white). White is present on the chest, feet, tip of tail, neck.
Nickname : Ango Angara
Size: Medium
Shedding: Moderate
Height: 38-41 cm
Weight: 10-12 kg
It is a medium sized dog, well built, slim, elegant appearance. Basenji natively proves surprisingly agile and powerful compared to the size displayed. This breed retains equal proportions in length and height, so-called "race Square". Some descriptions compare it to a deer miniature figure for elegance and distinction. Skull is flat, conical snout, a little shorter than the skull and black nose. The eyes are small, almond, various shades of brown and have a concentrated expression when the dog is alert, giving the impression that he looked crossed. The ears are medium sized, triangular and high forehead also forming some cute breed-specific (clearly visible in very young specimens and the advanced age) that give him a worried look. Curled tail is carried low and back, but is held at full speed to allow to control balance. It is a valuable vitezist. The coat is smooth, short, disposed in a single layer. Basenji breed dogs have a graceful gait, haughty (like that of a horse trotting out).

Temperament and behavior specific
It is an intelligent dog, lively, alert, curious, independent and stubborn. This dog is kept in mind when it comes to emotional outbursts, but can be affectionate and attaches powerful master. Is cautious and reserved with strangers and tends to be protective of his family. Not suitable for life in common with other pets except dogs, in which the company is performing well. Is structurally a hunting dog and will chase cats and any other animal passionately small and medium you see around it. Not indicate playmates for children, because they have enough patience to endure jokes and harassment to which he or she submitted. Basenji does not bark, but removing noises similar to a cry or scream. It is a dog who can not stand the cold and feels better in a warm climate zone, but no excesses in this regard.

Can adapt quite well to life in an apartment provided they are removed daily walk that has a moderate activity level. Prefer life outdoors - if the weather is not cold, but are masters of escape. Can jump very high, amazingly skilful climb over obstacles (often can be seen climbing trees, and cats), beyond fences smoothly, even on the barbed wire. Basenji breed dog will always prove extremely clever in finding a solution to put his plans into practice. In dynamic games that require attention and skill and will be relentless. When a landmark or action awaken curiosity is seen rising on hind legs with the forelegs close to the chest or against an object, in such position Suricate family favorite animals. Due to the special shape of the larynx, this dog does not bark, but sounds a trill sound like a yelp separate melodic. Tradition says that, over time, African populations have grown used to hunt systematically suppressed and those copies that barks so they could betray position hidden in the forest. Otherwise, have the same common vocalizations in a dog. A specific feature especially northern dogs, and those of "dingo" Basenji characteristic odor that emanates not canine. It is a pet recommended for people with experience in raising dogs. Needs early socialization and a competent dressage.

About training
Training these dogs distinction is difficult because it is proving very stubborn and independent. Basenji is a very intelligent dog but prefer to use this capacity to put into practice what they want more than what is claimed.

A good success rate can only acquire those experienced persons who have worked extensively with independent breeds. It takes patience and skill to make a Basenji breed dog to listen and follow orders or to perform exercises. Basenji will not give up easily even before the rewards. The central elements must be firmness, patience and consistency, but any hard or excessively severe stress can compromise a good working relationship.
Care and sensitivity to disease
Extremely careful with his own hygiene Basenji outruns even the most caring dogs. Many consider him the finest dogs of all breeds, in this respect it resembled a cat. Wash off pedant and carefully and will not bear to stay dirty or contaminated with all kinds of substances. Do not shed too consistent and will become a weekly brushing, made with a thick brush or rubber gloves. React quickly to cold weather, not like rain but no hot days. Basenji is capable of mating (during the rut or estrus) only once a year, unlike other breeds that are more such periods.
Specific diseases: progressive retinal atrophy, Fanconi syndrome, urologic complications, hypothyroidism, intestinal system diseases, hemolytic anemia. Statistics reveal a 9% incidence of various cancers in the situation morbidity recorded in the race also prove very sensitive Basenji household chemical products, with a sensitive liver, which will react.

Our conclusion:
Basenji is a breed truly exotic. If extreme northern exoticism about canine is represented by sled dogs in the frozen wastelands, this hunting dog with multimillenary history comes directly from the Central African jungle with a special card. It is a dog that knows how to challenge their mental master, proves very lively and stimulating. Dominated hard and behavioral modeling, has been the grace, elegance, strength concealed in a slim body, refreshing energy and a story that still rests in the mysterious jungle on the banks of the Congo River.
Traditional name Basenji breed dogs (bantu) Male: Adoula, Affonso (king), Buku (god of heaven), Dakar (happiness), Dio, Kafi, Kongo, Olokun (god of the sea), Omari, Tsiba, Zadi, Zahara (flower), Yakoko

Females: Akila (most beautiful), Amina (Queen), azimuth (gorgeous), Chinu (flourishing), mahr (star sunset), Merike (month), Tisoke (but awesome), Zama (Rai)

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