French Bulldog has many of the qualities of the perfect companion: is affectionate, playful, very funny in attitude and behavior, curious and alert. If its origin is dependent crossbreeding occurred between breed of Terrier Bulldog English and French copies, then the result is as surprising as it is enjoyable.

More alert and more fun than the English Bulldog but mellowed and more affectionate than classical terriers, this small dog is happiest possible combination, so successful that exceeds rational expectations. However, the origin of the breed remains even today the subject of dispute between canine specialists. The most important aspect is that the French Bulldog breed there each copy up to its popularity and sympathy that enjoyed predecessors. Here are some things you need to know about these dogs, so we can take care of them as well as it deserves:

1. If this breed sterilization may represent a beneficial measure in perspective. This statement may sound pretty bad, but its time to look at things beyond appearances. Gestation, parturition and lactation in the breed pups often raise problems. A female French Bulldog will need to receive professional monitoring during pregnancy and birth care because specific conformation (narrow basin of this small dog development offers quiet often insufficient and the chicks have a big head, complicating things). Many women develop uterine infections or after birth, I breast cancer. About 80% of babies are born dog breed by cesarean. Therefore, perhaps it is better if the female is spayed before entering first time in heat. In doing so, of course the transfer opportunities breed breeding kennels specializing in pregnancy, but this is a guarantee of the perpetuation of the best qualities from newborn specimens and also an additional chance to eliminate birth defects and various genetic problems. And male sterilization in dogs can have positive effects overall, eliminating the risk of testicular cancer represented, contributing to prostate health and reducing aggressive tendencies. Of course, being an important intervention and insight perceived differently by each owner of French Bulldog in part, is a personal decision, but the equivalent of a serious commitment.

2. Every few weeks, it is important to dedicate French Bulldogs half an hour for a "test" external general physical condition. Even if you are not specialists in veterinary medicine, you will see yourself signs of disease, so study carefully the dogs skin (especially in the folds of the face and neck), eyes, ears, nose (nose), teeth and gums . The dog will more easily support such an examination coming from you will be much less nervous and wary than veterinary office and in doing so you can discover potential problems early and you will appreciate that things are well with your friend canine.

3. Pay special attention to your dogs teeth French Bulldog breed. Being a dog brachycephalism (with very flat nose) certainly present a very poor distribution of the maxillary teeth (especially higher education), something that favor plaque accumulation and retention of food debris. Apply carefully brushing regularly and keep in touch with your veterinarian for more complex interventions to avoid to get in the position of having to anesthetized dog to large scale operations. Like almost any small dog, French Bulldog presents a very low resistance to anesthetics (same constitution brachycephalism the cause) and any intervention of this kind is extremely risky.

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