In this article:

Recipes to make your own all natural, non-toxic herbal, homeopathic Spot-on and Collar Drops to repel fleas, ticks, mosquitoes;

  • Reduce your dogs, cats toxic load - go natural no more pesticide-based conventional  preventatives;
  • Use these natural spot-on and collar drops in combination with a:
  • Healthy, immune system-boosting diet, and:
    All natural, non-toxic spray repellants for the health of your dog and cat.

The following drop recipes can be applied to:

  • Your dog’s and cat’s collar;
  • Applied on the fur, between your dog’s and cat’s shoulder blades and at the base of his/her tail…

Repel Ticks and Mosquitoes
Rose Geranium Drops (Lavender and or Lemongrass)
for Dogs and Cats

If you are making this recipe for use on a cat use lemon grass essential oil (not rose geranium or lavender.

In a small glass jar combine the following;

  • 10 to 25 drops of Rose Geranium essential oil;
  • 2 tbs sweet almond oil;
  • Shake to blend;
  • Dab or use an eye dropper to apply a few drops on your dog’s, cats collar and/or between your dog’s, cats shoulder blades.

Variations - you can substitute the Rose Geranium essential oil for Lavender or Lemongrass essential oils, or you can use part Rose Geranium and part Lavender or Lemongrass.

Repel Mosquitoes

Lemon Oil Drops for Dogs
Make your own - no purchase of essential oils required!

  • To make your own lemon-oil, you will need…
    • 2 lemons,
    • 1 cup olive oil
  • Preparation
    • Peel the rind from the lemons;
    • Place oil and lemon rinds in a sauce pan;
    • Place on very low heat for 20 minutes;
    • Allow to cool;
    • Strain and pour into a bottle;
    • Shake to blend;
  • Apply;
    • Dab or use an eye dropper to apply a few drops on your dog’s, cats collar and/or between your dog’s shoulder blades.

Repel Fleas

Lavender, Lemongrass, Peppermint and Citronella Drops for Dogs and Cats

 In a small glass jar combine the following;

  • 10 to 25 drops of one or a combination of Lavender, Lemongrass, Peppermint and Citronella essential oil;
  • 2 tbs sweet almond oil;
  • Shake to blend; 
  • Dab or use an eye dropper to apply a few drops on your dog’s, cats collar and/or between your dog’s, cats shoulder blades.

Proper Selection of Essential Oils

  • Use only Grade A Therapeutic Food Grade essential oils - these are made from organically grown herbs and are steam distilled.
    • Do not use Grade B food grade essential oils
    • Do not use aromatherapy oils for this recipe (Grade C) or floral water essential oils (Grade D)
Monitor your Animal When Using Essential Oils
  • Particularly when using  essential oils on cats, make sure you observe your cat, watch for any signs of an adverse reaction and cease using if any type of toxicity occurs
Employ Caution When Spraying near Your Dog’s Eyes
  • Remember to protect your dog’s eyes from the spray;
When Applying the Spray to your Dog’s Face:
  • Spray the palm of your hand with the solution;
  • Rub your hands gently over your dog’s nose, around their eyes, behind the ears, etc.
Daily Application of Sprays
  • Sprays should be re-applied 2-3 times a day when protection is required;
  • If your dog goes swimming, gets wet in the rain etc. you will need to re-apply the spray.
For Dogs that are Prone to Seizures
  • Do not use rosemary essential oils on a dog that is prone to seizures
Your Dogs, Cats Best Defense Against Insects
  • Your dog’s and cat’s best defense against insects and insect-borne disease is a truly health supporting diet, nutrition and overa

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