Unfortunately most commercially produced products (oral and topical preventatives) - designed to repel Mosquitos from your dog contain powerful chemical-based pesticides and other toxic / carcinogenic ingredients that are very harmful to your dog’s well being.

If you are in a zone in which you must use heartworm pills due to high-incidence of infection (such as New Orleans, or Florida) I suggest that you off-set the harmful side effects of heartworm pills by introducing foods into your dog’s diet that will help protect against the toxins and carcinogens found in heartworm pills. See 3.0 further below for more on using diet to offset the harmful ingredients in heartworm pills.

If you are notin a high-incident zone for heartworm infection you can try using the following lemon-based alternatives to repeal mosquitoes and subsequently the infestation of heartworms…

As an alternative you can use fresh lemon to discourage mosquitoes from ‘visiting’ your dog. Even better, use organic fresh lemons!


Use Lemon in Two Ways to Help Repel Mosquitoes…

One - Topical Application;
Two - Ingested as part of your dog’s daily diet.

Read on below to find out how lemon can be your dog’s best friend…

1.0 Topical Applications

Lemon when applied topically can be used to repel insects and parasites.
Mosquitos do not like the scent of citrus…

1.1 Spot Treatment
  • Cut a fresh lemon, (lime, orange, or grapefruit) in half and rub the cut fruit onto your dog’s fur.
  • Avoid the area immediately around your dog’s eyes and do not apply to open wounds/cuts - citrus stings!
  • Make sure you pay special attention to favourite/vulnerable spots like ears, nose, under the tail and tummy.
  • Lemon is non-toxic to dogs so, unlike most commercially manufactured mosquito repellents – your dog will not be harmed by licking/ingesting the lemon juice!

1.2 Spray Application

What you will need…
  • 6 lemons, or you can use a mix of citrus
  • 1 quart of water (.95 litre)
  • 1 pot
  • 1 spray bottle
  • Cut the lemons and/or other citrus fruit in half;
  • Place the cut fruit and 1 quart of water in a pot;
  • Bring to a boil and then allow too steep for two hours;
  • Allow the resulting liquid to cool;
  • Once cool, strain the liquid to remove any pulp;
  • Pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle;
  • Spritz your dog’s fur - remember to protect your dog’s eye from the spray;
  • To apply the spray to your dog’s face:
  • Spray the palm of your hand with the solution;
  • Rub your hands gently over your dog’s nose, around their eyes, behind the ears, around the base of the tail, under your dog’s legs, etc.
  • If your dog is going to be outside for a good portion of the day - repeat the spray application every 2 to 3 hours.

1.3 Mosquito Repelling Collar Drops
You can put a few drops of lemon-oil or 1 drop of essential lemon-oil on your dog’s collar to further discourage misquotes.

To make your own lemon-oil…
You will need…
  • 2 lemons,
  • 1 cup olive oil
  • Peel the rind from the lemons;
  • Place oil and lemon rinds in a sauce pan;
  • Place on very low heat for 20 minutes;
  • Allow to cool;
  • Strain and pour into a bottle.

2.0 Ingested Treatment
Adding fresh lemon to your dog’s daily diet is simple…

Preparing the Lemon
  • Freeze a whole lemon and grate a little over your dog’s food;
  • Add fresh lemon juice to your dog’s water bowl – remember to change the lemon water on a daily basis.
  • Add fresh-finely minced lemon to your dog’s food.
  • Peel the lemon and slice it into 4 to 6 pieces;
  • Remove the seeds;
  • Finely chop/mince the sections of lemon - I use a food processor to do this;
  • Add the finely minced lemon to your dogs’ food once a day;
  • Store any remaining minced lemon in an air tight glass container (in the refrigerator) for several days.  
Adding The Lemon to The Daily Diet
  • Start by using the half the recommended lowest dosage in your dogs size range - see Daily Dosage below;
    • Over the space of a week to 10 days gradually increase the amount of lemon to the lowest recommended dosage for your dogs size range;
    • You can then increase to the higher dosage in your dogs range if you would like to do so.
Daily Dosage (non-therapeutic)
  • X-Small dogs - 1/16 to 1/4 tsp/day

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