Safe to use as a daily dietary supplement
alternative medicine for most dogs and cats.
In this article...
1. Slippery Elm
2. Benefits and Uses
3. Cautions
4. Side Effects
5. Drug Interactions
6. General Guidelines for Daily Herbal Intake

1.0 Slippery Elm Bark

The powdered bark has a very agreeable scent that is not off-putting to most dogs and cats.

Slippery elm contains astringent tannins that sooth and reduce inflammation, reduce swelling and heal tissue. Helps to heal internal and mucosal tissues.

When added to water the powdered bark creates a soothing mucilage (a thick water-based solution) which can be used to moisten and sooth. The powder can be mixed into your dog`s or cat`s food with some added moisture – I use homemade stock or puree - chicken or meat based, and/or fruit or vegetable based.

Slippery Elm Bark can be used in various forms:
  • Dry powder;
  • Fresh sliced or finely minced root;
  • Tea - infusion;
  • Tincture - use alcohol-free only;
  • Supplement - capsule, pill.

2.0 Benefits and Uses…

  • Reduces swelling while healing damaged tissue.
    • Uses – a partial list…
      • Cough, sore throat, hoarse voice (bark :>)
      • Constipation;
      • Helps to stop diarrhea;
      • Helps with chronic indigestion and resulting malnutrition;
      • Soothes:
      • Irritated intestines;

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