Basenji is a difficult dog to train. If youre looking dog breed charts prepared on the basis of intelligence you will find the lower positions. But beware, these rankings are drawn up taking into account the response rate orders and different exercises and time spent working with a dog.

Beyond any doubt, the Basenji is an intelligent dog, but willing to use their intelligence purposes that he agree. Although affectionate and attached to his master, will be dominated by the obvious desire to please him. Are independent dogs and care very much to stay that way. But that does not mean they will not cooperate or are unable to assume the elements of training, but the person dealing with them must be experienced enough and you have to resort to more elaborate and more subtle techniques for their shape the character and temperament.

1. Like any other dog, and Basenji is a pack animal. But while other dogs need to know who the "alpha dog" in the family group to which it belongs, Basenji can accept domination and duality. In other words, even if you have the necessary qualities to be required before the dog, but not enough effort to submit it or allows him to make decisions and act as they please without having to intervene, he will think that you are on an equal footing. Sometimes you will be subordinated and will follow commands, will sometimes ignore;

2. Patiently taught repertoire of sounds they produce Basenji. This dog does not bark, but his vocalizations are complex and often correlated with mood felt. Basenji has a very expressive gestures and physical attitudes if correctly interpreted and noise signals, you will be able to interpret his true reaction to the demands and commands given to you;

3. Never resort to force when you are angry behavior of a Basenji dog, do not knock or make threatening gestures towards him so! Even if you love a Basenji loves himself some more and can not stand being humiliated or threatened. To the surprise and your bitterness, you could wake up as jumps to fly! These dogs often resort to biting when they feel threatened or put in a position of inferiority. Pay attention to young children, they can easily make a mistake while playing, resorting to more brutal gestures and the dog may retaliate;

4. A good tactic in your dog Basenji is subordinate to attach a leash to the collar of 1.5 to 1.8 meters and to let him fuck after a few days. Every time you want to stop it from moving when you want to bring in a certain place, when he forbid something ... leash will be helpful and will remember that it is under control;

5. Unlike most dogs, Basenji has a deep sleep. Its a hunting dog, but hunting sessions in the area of origin were scheduled intervals, and the rest, because they have responsibilities guard dog, basenji relax. If you happen to be awakened from his sleep by a loud noise, you will discover what a dog grumpy and snappish. In this respect very much like people needing a short time to wake up completely. Thats when I called him gently beside sofa, armchair, her voice soothing talk and caress his back and chest;

6. Among the commands you insert and repeat with him some entertaining character, like "Yes paw!" "Hop" (to stand on hind legs and remain so), "Jump!" (To climb on a stool) etc.. These dogs gladly engages in games and use their physical skills happy. Whatever your program every day you exercise different orders Basenji, of any kind, to stimulate memory and remind him to be under control;

7. Reward him every time achievements. Do not do too much, because you will not impress! Simply give them a reward that knows they deserve, because Basenji is the kind of dog that does not want especially to please his master, but "works for a salary";

8. Insist to sleep in his basket, and only there, even exhibit some preference for other places. It is good to have a proper wire cage with its dimensions (not plastic, because it will be tempted to chew). This cage will not act as a "prison"! (many copies of Basenji have been reported to be reluctant to order claustrophobic), but will be the removal of and protection. It is very good to him used to sit in the cage 1-2 hours per day.

How can you do that?
- I never close the access door;
- Use wire cage, it will not limit visibility and not give him the feeling that is isolated;
- Put the litter inside a soft, comfortable and keep it clean;
- Place inside a couple of favorite toys;
- Periodically put them there food, drinking water, a snack ... so you learn that occur in the cage or living normal phases;
- Sit around as he is in his cage and talking on gentle tone, encouraging;
- Do not send in the cage when youre mad at him.
What benefits will this accessory?
- The dog will have a private space that, over time, it may perceive as their "den";
- You will be able to travel on vacation to a vet in different trips etc. using this cage, dog transport becoming safer and more convenient;
- Wherever you will go home with the family dog out for a longer period, the dog will have with him a familiar space in which they will feel safe and will not show panicked and anxious;
- If you will go to a veterinary clinic, a clinic, any space populated with other dogs / other pets, and youll have to wait a while, the cage will help keep the dog away from some problems of interaction;
- When you have visitors in large numbers, that dog is not familiar or strangers arrived for maintenance and repair work, or will be engaged in a major cleaning operation in your home - and do not want energetic and curious Basenji "to stick his nose" everywhere, all the cage will be a rebound.

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