In terms of potential for dressage, Leonberger breed shows considerable resources, a repository of beautiful qualities inherited from Newfoundland dogs (Newfoundland), Saint Bernard and the Pyrenean Shepherd, if you mention only the main from crosses which resulted in the mid-nineteenth century , the Leonberger.

Each of the races had stated at the time when crosses were chosen for a rich life experience with human beings and especially in the service of their interests defined. Working dogs and herding dogs, they passed on the Leonberger breed quality skills and instinct. Leonberger can be a good watchdog installed in the courtyard of the property you own an animal that will deal with good results in certain contests canine, aid in traditional activities conducted mainly in rural areas and a major factor in the revitalization good mood in your family by specific behavior.
To individualize these dogs with a growing popularity in terms of training, we must emphasize some aspects of it all.

First, the Leonberger is a devoted family dog will do our best to monitor activities carried around and is influential in small or large changes you observe. Being an animal sensitive and responsive to the general atmosphere, you should you decide to purchase a Leonberger dog when you accept all family members. Unilaterally decide not to adopt a dogs hoping that this will persuade reluctant members and will gain affection thereafter. Leonberger dog is not feeling shy agreed, less responsive and apathetic / introverted, reacting slowly and without enthusiasm at training and socialization various exercises.

Leonberger gained a nice reputation for gentleness, affection and attachment which give evidence. People around, mostly family members, are seen as beings that he must protect. But do so in a non-aggressive manner and without annoying insistence that seen in other breeds. Many of its features are inherited protective shade of giant Saint Bernard and Newfoundland. Lively and willing to effort especially in the first half of life, he can save every day from boredom or depression and wants to be loved for it. But though not desirable such situations will occur Leonberger courageous, determined and skillful in helping you in any critical moment. You can always rely on this as I do and instructors from the Coast Guard and the Canadian School Lifeguard Italian Greyhound, two institutions with using for years Leonberger dogs in rescue missions, water recovery and intervention .

Leonberger dog is very active and mischievous in the first two years of life, especially in families with young children. s Bulk and a certain left-handers because the movements that derived from it, are sometimes capable of "talking crap" annoying, not to prove but, statistically, a breed prone to disasters. Firmly but gently intervene every time a Leonberger puppy violate certain rules, your attitude will suggest only through gestures and mimics grief will be mostly the instrument enough to correct behavior. This dog can be trained easily through various games like catching and bringing the ball, overcoming obstacles and, especially, in tow sled or small carts, transporting various materials in Samaria (harness particular chapters that attaches to the dogs body) . Be careful not to start with this type of exercise training (traction, transport weights) before the age of two years, to allow the bone to grow and harden completely.

Connoisseurs these dogs also points out interesting psychological look specifically for Leonberger dogs. Despite its impressive, manly, these dogs tend to attach more closely to women than men. It may be a legacy from Saint Bernard dogs, which are believed to react like, or simply choose to be more protective Leonberger family members in May that displays less physical strength. But on the other hand, the attachment of a dog, generally speaking, does not manifest opposite sex of a person, but against this index. How men on average live a life more dynamic and absent from their families, this dog is emotionally oriented, instinctively, to the present adult family life: partner, wife, mother.

Therefore, exploiting this aspect, it is important that those exercises that initiate training and socialization Leonberger dog in the house rules, to be headed by a woman. On the other hand, the obedience training is recommended to be run by men, as statistics reveal, on average, a better response from the dog.
When you perform different exercises training (from the age of 6 months) choose large surfaces, outdoors, grass or sand or gravel rather than cemented. This dog is strongly tempted to use their full physical capacity, but his body will not be able to absorb shocks and demands well before the age of 2 years. On the other hand, after the age of full physical maturation, not "appeasing" the gentle giant, a true gourmet dog Leonberger is greedy and can easily accumulate extra pounds, so any kind of exercises will be very helpful in avoiding obesity and maintaining good health. And a Leonberger dog breed that has something to do to support master is a happy dog??.

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