What a great time the Calm Energy therapy team had last week at Brooklyns PS 203!

Someone got smooched in the face!

The fourth-grade kids had been doing a project on the Iditarod (yes, I just had to Google that spelling), so we and a few other Good Dog Foundation therapy dog teams went to meet the children at school so they could see, touch, ask and learn about different types of dogs.

Because theyd been learning about dog racing, they loved getting to know our Greyhounds.

Listening to the heartbeat

They felt the dogs muscles and bones, listened to the dogs heartbeats, and learned why Greyhounds heart rates are so much lower than other dogs.

Explaining the tattoos

They were very interested in the Greyhounds ear tattoos, which gave us a chance to explain why its so important to adopt a needy pet instead of buying one.

Heres a link to the full gallery of pics on facebook.com/calmenergydogtraining.

A 3-way tie for most adorable.

-- Thanks to Terri Ciarmello and the fourth-grade class at PS 203!

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