In this article:
1. What is Ringworm (also known as Tinea)
2. Ringworm Infection - at Greatest Risk
3. Symptoms of Ringworm
4. Preventing Cross-Contamination of Ringworm
5. Conventional Chemical-Based Treatments – Reason to Go Natural
6. Natural Remedies
7. Natural Topical Remedies
8. Natural Ingested Remedies
9. Dietary Support - Provide an Immune System, Health Supporting Diet

1.0 What is Ringworm  
Tinea is an alternate name for ringworm...

Ringworm is not actually a worm it is instead a disease of the skin that is caused by a type of fungus called a dermatophyte . Dermatophytes also cause hair and nail infections. The most common fungi responsible for causing ringworm in dogs and cats are:
  • Microsporum canis;
  • Micorsporum gypseum;
  • Trichophyton mentagrophytes.
The ringworm fungus lives on the hair fibres and skin. 

A case of ringworm is not difficult to remedy when approached the right way and treatment can be very inexpensive. You can treat this condition easily at home.

Ringworm is a Zoonotic Infection...

Meaning that humans can also contract it from non-human animals.
  • Ringworm is highly contagious – it can easily spread via the following means:
    • Direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected human or non-human animal;
    • May be acquired from exposure via wind-blown fungi spores.

2.0 Ringworm Infection -
      at greatest risk...

Ringworm is more apt to infect an animal - non-human or human, under the following conditions...

  • Young, or:
  • Has a suppressed immune system. Suppression of the immune system can happen for many reasons, for example:
    • Antibiotics;
    • Disease;
    • Exposure to toxins via daily diet;
    • Ingredients in dog and cat food such as:
      • Ethoxyquin;
      • Artificial food colours;
      • Chemical-based preservatives;
      • GMO grains such as corn and soy;
      • Aflatoxins;
      • Protein from meat sourced from animals that are fed GMO, antibiotics, growth hormones, etc.
      • Species inappropriate daily diet – i.e. grains, refined grains and additives such as cellulose, etc.
    • Environmental factors such as:
      • Pesticides and herbicides;
      • Chemical-basedinsect and parasite preventatives;
      • Chemical vapour (airborne) or residue left on surfaces (i.e. the floor that the dog or cat lies on) from chemical-based household cleaning products, etc.
      • Litter that contains chemical-based ingredients, i.e. clay-based litter with artificial odour suppressants, clay dust, etc.
      • Exposure to toxins via health care products such as chemical-included shampoo and dental care products;
    • Over vaccination;
    • Prednisone, Steroidal drugs or Non-Steroidal drugs (NSAIDs);
    • Etc.
A strong immune system is better able to defend itself from invasion of fungi. Time to check your dogs and cats diet and health care regimen...guidance on that further below.

3.0 Symptoms of Ringworm

Typical symptoms of Ringworm include:
  • Hair;
    • Thinning of hair;
  • Skin;
    • Red circular rash with clear spot in the middle;
    • Itchiness;
    • Irritation - inflammation;
    • Lesions – most common on the head but may appear elsewhere on the body;
    • Pustules;
    • Scaly skin.

Some of the symptoms of ringworm are similar to auto-immune diseases, other bacterial diseases, demodectic mange – but the circular rash normally indicates ringworm.

Mild cases of ringworm may clear in a week or two simply by applying a topical treatment;
Severe cases of ringworm may persist and can require both topical and ingested treatment.

4.0 Preventing Cross Contamination

The ringworm fungi can live on:
  • Moist areas of the skin but also on – for example:
  • Bedding;
  • Clothing;
  • Other fabric such as towels,
  • Carpet;
  • Carpeted cat trees,
  • Collars, harness, leash, etc.
Washing or spraying with organic apple cider vinegar (ACV) will help kill the ringworm fungus on these household items safely – ACV is not toxic to dogs and cats.

In severe cases you may have to discard some items.

5.0 Conventional Treatments – 
      Reason to Go Natural

In some very severe cases conventional medicines may be required however it is best to intervene first by treating with natural remedies and resort to conventional treatments only if 100% necessary.

Conventional treatments for ringworm used by allopathic veterinarians have many side effects that range from mild to lethal. The following provides a few examples of these conventional drugs and related side effects:

Used to treat fungal infections of the hair, nails, skin etc.
  • Side effects – common:
    • Allergic reaction;
    • Chronic Trouble Sleeping;
      Confusion, disorientation;
    • Dizziness;
    • Fatigue;
    • Hepatitis;
    • Hives;
    • Intestine or stomach irritation;
    • Skin Rash;
    • Sun-Sensitive Skin;
    • Thrush;
    • Numbness, tingling or pain in paws;
    • Urine – elevation of protein in urine;
    • Vomiting
    • White blood cells – decreased.
  • Side Effects – rare cases:
    • Bilirubin in blood – high amounts;
    • Gaint hives;
    • Liver function – abnormal;
    • Lupus like-syndrome;
    • Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis – in most cases results in death;
Fluconazole (generic name Diflucan)
Used for yeast and fungal infections.
  • Side effects - common:
    • Appetite loss;
    • Diarrhea;
    • Dizziness;
    • Heart – fast or irregular heart beat;
    • Hair (fur) loss;
    • Nausea;
    • Pale gums, nose and tongue;
    • Skin rash;
    • Stomach upset and pain;
    • Urine – dark or jaundice due to liver failure;
    • Vomiting;
  • Side Effects – rare:
    • Allergic reaction (laboured breathing, itching, swelling);
    • Liver failure, liver disease.

6.0 Natural Remedies

The best remedy is one that seeks to provide treatment and remedy using a three-point approach...

1. Natural topical remedy, plus;

2. Natural ingested remedy, plus a;

3. Dietary means of boosting the immune system – provide
    an immune system, health supporting diet.

7.0 Natural Topical Remedies

Remember, ring worm is highly contagious so wear gloves when applying topical treatments to the areas of the skin affected by ringworm.

For the following treatments use organic products whenever possible. 

Topical treatments should be used in combination with an ingested treatment and an immune system boosting daily diet.

Aloe Vera Juice
For Dogs ??? and Cats ^._.^

  • Aloe Vera Juice is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral.
  • To Apply Topically

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