Komondor is a breed with more specificity and familiarity with them, near to achieve a fair and efficient training should be done slowly, with patience and perseverance. Komondor sheepdog is a general acceptance of the term in his ancestral burdens being placed strictly in pastoral activities.

Is, at the same time, a shepherd dog, a guard dog and protection, but not actually a companion dog. To adapt to this role now, especially in USA, where its share of popularity is growing sensitive. Komondor was appreciated by many experts as a good breed guard dog, but training is or remains quite difficult. Instincts about security work in dressage is not developed, the dog with native instincts in this regard. Problems arise in categories like obedience training, agility training. Possessing remarkable physical qualities, difficult to predict an aspectare brief, lightning reflexes and an impressive force, Komondor it turns out, paradoxically, quite lazy dog. This conservative behavior is met and other herding breeds. Maximum activity period Komondor dog takes place at night, when its guard instincts are activated.


In terms of dog training is the best is to be carried out by someone with experience and a professional instructor. Komondor is a large dog with a strong character and is quite stubborn. It is an intelligent dog trainer understands most requirements and if appropriate will be motivated to learn pretty quickly. The problem is that forgetting occurs very quickly, because it is selective in action and prefer to decide their own movements. The most effective means of repetition and reflection fixing the various orders and exercise is the privilege of a qualified instructor or at least a person with strong experience. Indicated optimal age to start the first race specialists socialization and training techniques is 4-5 months. Training of submission is the most important element which is suitable for the breed. Already at the age of 9 months must be confident obedience dog in front of you, or behavioral problems will occur and owner-dog relationship difficulties. Maximum efficiency is one short, the best results are obtained in an obedience school. However, Obedience training is one form of training required a Komondor dog, as long as you do not want to entrust specific work tasks.

When your dog trained Komondor should keep in mind the following aspects:

- This dog is by nature a servant or a workaholic subject. Its a dog thinks and calculates its actions;
- In general, a Komondor dog does not react well in stressful situations, so be careful and do not work at the first sign of a stressed dog;
- In 99% of these dogs lack the instinct contribution of different things. Such a routine can be learned, but require a higher workload than other breeds;
- A Komondor act in a certain way only when intervention / action it is not necessary or justified. But at the same time, we must always be careful in its reactions especially in relation to foreigners. Reaction time of a Komondor dog is amazingly small if we consider that it is a large dog with a bunch of fur allure harmless;

If you decide to take care personnel training, you must be patient, persistent and prepared to use your intelligence. If you are thinking to apply training techniques based solely on reward (food incentives) combined with hardness (Komondor dog is a smart dog, but stubborn, strong and hard strings) will rate in 80% of cases. You will get a dog will react as you like and not as has been trained. The remaining 20% of cases will destroy the natural qualities of the dog and you will turn into nothing more than a Komondor. This does not necessarily suggest that training is useless. But the first condition to obtain good results in training is to develop a strong emotional relationship with your dog before reaching the first training exercises. The most important commands must appropriate them Komondor dog are: sit, stay, wait, HERE, STEP, NO / not allowed, TEETH / BOT.

For order HERE is advisable to use a leash and appropriate modulation of voice than offering rewards trainer placed in front of the person. To reward the dog will respond a few times, but his conclusion will be that must come only when he needs a snack so often happens not to react to demand, although initially gave the dog clearly understood as a itself. Order TEETH / BOT have taught the dog to training to be prepared to accept the muzzle. It is advisable to travel with the dog in public so equipped, muzzle, especially when you can leave it connected, waiting in front of a store, for example. It can happen that a Komondor dog to react harshly (with bite) when taken by surprise by the appearance of people in surprising directions, especially the hair on your head high limits its field of view. Often, watching entering a building, it may be that your dog vigilant to believe that the building was entrusted to guard, so will try to do his duty.

Komondor dog is a dog very realistic. Even some experienced trainers were surprised to find that, after a well-graduate training session, the dog has not responded to the second or third session. This happens not because of absence for training qualities of this breed, but because these dogs think in particular. That is, a Komondor always relates to the space where it is placed. And the dogs attention is focused on the space that belongs and that is keeping the instinct. So, contrary to training techniques apply to other breeds, where training exercises performed Komondor dogs should start the first session in the territory belongs to the dog, then to continue exercising in space "neutral" on the court. When no guard and defend what he realizes is required submissive behavior without meaning and purpose, so it will work depending on the mood of the moment. Therefore, training based on different games has little effect in this breed as dogs.

To summarize, scheduled training exercises Komondor breed dogs should be based solely on its strongest instincts: alertness, protect food and protecting territory. These exercises will stretch, on average, over 4-5 months, the primary objective is obedience. Even if a dog responded very well during the training do not make the mistake to underestimate his side. Always keep your dog under voice control, be firm, patient and inflexible, note how he thinks. As an example, the recommended starting trainers as well as learning some commands here and not / not allowed to do while the dog is put in front of a piece of meat. Reps will continue until no longer register hesitation or mistakes, just so you know that the dog Komondor your will obey unconditionally. Also, keep in mind that these dogs do not like to follow a trainer moving away, or follow him when he runs. Dogs only accept direct opponents, people in close contact.

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