Dalmatian training programs are designed to suit the dogs natural characteristics of a companion dog. Dalmatians seek affection but only from the people they trust – and they tend to take a while before trusting strangers.
As with any dog breed, personality differences can be noticed with Dals – some area easier to train, some will give you a hard time. Here are a few of the most common Dalmatian training tips that will help you shape your dog into a real friend and companion:

• Patience is important when training a Dalmatian – they are quite independent and you might have to go through a routine several times before they start learning – not because they lack the intelligence, but because they tend to have their own way at first.

• Although they mature from a physical point of view relatively fast, they still act like puppies until they are about one and a half to two years old. And if you are looking for a good Dalmatian training tip , here it is: do not expect maturity from your dog until he reaches 2 years of age, and, even then, dont restrict his playful nature completely.

• Dals are active dogs, so make sure to offer them training routines that involve physical exercise – they love it!

• Dalmatian housebreaking training is not very difficult and the dog learns quickly what is allowed and disallowed around the house.

• Chewing toys are a must with the Dalmatian. Since they are in a puppy state for longer than most dogs, you should also try to adapt your training methods to this. Start the Dalmatian training program early, otherwise the puppy will turn into a very independent adult Dalmatian that will be a lot harder to train.

• Some Dalmatians do well in tracking and obedience trials, but you have to find the ones with the proper personality if you are thinking of training them professionally. The road trial, a sport where the dog accompanies a horse or a horse-drawn coach as an adornment and as protection is also a favorite Dalmatian activity.

• Teaching your dog obedience training commands is not different from other dog breeds, but keep in mind that you are dealing with and active and stubborn breed, and patience and creativity have to be combined if the dog-training program aims to be a success.

• When taken care of properly, these dogs can live up to 16 years. Proper Dalmatian training will ensure a better life, both for you and your spotted pet.

I have compiled a few simple steps for you to train your puppy or a adult dog as well

"Teaching the “Puppy Sit”

With your puppy at your left side, place your right hand on the collar and your
left hand on your puppy’s rump just above her tail. “Roll” your puppy’s haunches under with a tuck of your left hand. As you’re rolling your puppy’s rump under, gently apply upward and backward pressure with the collar. As you’re placing the puppy into the position, say “SIT.” When the puppy is there, cheerfully say “Good SIT!”

Do not push down on your puppy’s pelvis and never use force when teaching SIT! Your puppy’s rump should roll right under her as you slide your hand down and over her tail. If you curl your hand gently under her buttocks while you do this, she will automatically roll her haunches under for you.

Teaching the “Puppy Down”

Begin with your puppy in a SIT by your left side. Place your left hand on your puppy’s upper shoulders and back, with your right hand underneath your puppy’s front legs, palms up. With a sweeping motion, move your right hand forward as you gently push your puppy’s front feet forward and out from underneath him. While doing this, apply gentle, steady pressure downward on your puppy’s shoulders as your puppy slides softly into the DOWN position. As you place the puppy into the position, say “DOWN.” When the puppy is there, cheerfully say “Good DOWN!”

Teaching Your Puppy “Follow-the-Leader”
(Skills and Leash Etiquette )

At this point it isn’t important for your puppy to walk directly at the HEEL position. It is more important for her to learn to happily accept walking on a leash somewhere near you. This means no excessive pulling or dragging
behind. Begin by calling your puppy’s name and saying, “Let’s go!” Pat your leg, encourage your puppy with your voice, and praise her for following. When your puppy becomes distracted, gently tug on the leash, saying “No,” then say “Here!” When she responds, looks at you, and follows you, praise her heartily! If yourpuppy is a puller, turn away from her to get her attention.You may have to make several turns in each session to teach her to stay by your side. Do not expect her to hold a true HEEL at this time in her life. Just concentrate on having her learn to look for you. If your puppy bites at the leash when you walk, give her a toy to carry on the walk. This will avoid a “tug-of-war” situation. You can also spray a bitters spray on the leash before each walk to discourage her from putting the leash in her mouth.

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