In this article...
    1. History of Papaya
    2. Health Uses, Benefits of Papaya for your Dog and Cat
    3. Selecting and Use
    4. Preparing the Papaya
    5. How to Add Fresh Papaya to Your Dog’s, Cat’s Daily Diet
    6. Daily Dosage

1.0 History of Papaya
The papaya tree is a tropical plant that is native to Central America. The early Portuguese and Spanish explorers are responsible for the introduction of the papaya tree to other subtropical locations such as Africa, India and the Philippines. Papaya trees have also been introduced to the warmer parts of North America such as Florida and Hawaii, and countries such as Mexico and Puerto Rico. The papaya is the fruit of the tree.

2.0 Health Uses, Benefits of Papaya for your Dog and Cat

The enzymes in papaya contain properties that are very beneficial…
  • Anti-inflammatory;
    • Papaya contains papain and chymopapain – two unique protein-digesting enzymes  that help to reduce:
      • Inflammation;
      • Improve healing from burns;
    • The high levels of vitamin C, E and beta-caratene also help to reduce inflammation;
    • These anti-inflammatory qualities are helpful in treating inflammatory conditions such as:
      •  Asthma;
      •  Cancer;
      • Osteoarthritis;
      • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Anti-fungal
    • Natural treatment for ringworm;

  • Antioxidents
    • Papaya is a rich source of antioxidents including:
      • B vitamins;
        • Carotenes;
        • Beta carotene is used by the body to make Vitamin A;
        • Vitamin A is required to support healthy bones, cells and skin;
      • Flavonoids; 
        • Such as Lycopene; 
        • Lycopene is thought to reduce the risk of 
        • Cancer; 
        • Heart disease, and; 
        • Macular degeneration; 
        • Yellow fleshed papaya contains no lycopene; 
        • Red-fleshed Papaya contains a high level of lycopene; 
        • Folate; 
        • Vitamin A, C and E; 
        • Papaya has one of the highest concentrations of Vitamin C found in fruits; 
        • Vitamin C enables the body’s production of collagen – an essential for the health of bones, gums, muscles and teeth; 
  • Minerals: 
    • Magnesium; 
    • Potassium; 
      • Essential to keeping blood pressure at a normal level;
  • Cancer protection;
    • Colon Cancer:
      • Papaya helps provide protection against colon cancer;
        • The fibre in papaya helps to bind to cancer-causing toxins in the colon, thus protecting healthy colon cells from damage;
        • The high levels of Vitamin C, E and beta-carotene also help to protect against colon cancer;
    • Prostate Cancer;
      • Adding papaya and green tea (use decaffeinated green tea only for dogs and cats) to the daily diet can significantly decreases the risk of prostate cancer;

  • Cardiovascular Health;
    • Papaya promotes the health of the cardiovascular system;
      • The carotenoids help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol – which…
      • Aids in the protection of:
        • Atherosclerosis;
        • Diabetic heart disease;
      • Supports cardiovascular health by enabling a healthy heart beat.

  • Dewormer
    • Parasite remedy, natural dewormer
      • Papaya helps to irritate and destroy worms in the Gastrointestinal Tract (GI Tract);
      • Read more about natural dewormers here;
  • Digestive health;
    • The enzyme papain aids in the digestion of proteins and also helps alleviate allergies;
      • Papain is similar to Bromelain – a digestive enzyme derived from pineapples which is also to aid digestion, treat allergies, muscle, tendon, ligment injuries and trauma;
    • Papaya is an excellent source of fibre.;

  • Eye Health;
      • The high levels of vitamin A, C and E and carotenoids found in Papaya help to prevent against:
        • Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), and;
        • Neovascular ARMD (associated with complete vision loss);
          • For more on natural support for eye health you can read here;

  • Immune System Health
    • The high level of vitamin A and C are immune system supporting and can selp in the fight against:
    • Colds;
    • Flu – canine influenza;

  • Muscle Health
    • Supports healthy muscle development and maintenance;

3.0 Selecting and Use

  • As always, organic is always best;
  • As noted above the red-fleshed Papaya has more health promoting properties than the yellow-fleshed papaya;
  • Look for Papaya’s that are slightly soft to the touch as papayas that are very hard will remain relatively hard and will not develop the same moisture rich flavour as a softer papaya;
    • Hard papaya is also lower in antioxidant content;
  • Leave the papaya out at room temperature until it starts to soften;
  • Once ripe store in the refrigerator and within a few days of ripening prepare as follows…

4.0 To Prepare the Papaya
  • Remove the skin of the papaya;
  • Remove the seeds;
  • Finely chop or mince by hand or using a food processor or blender;

5.0 How to Add Fresh Papaya to Your Dog’s or Cat’s
      Daily Diet
  • Mix the papaya in with your companion animal’s regular food at meal time;
  • Make a *yogurt or kefir, papaya and raw unpasteurized honey smoothie as a healthy treat for your dog or cat - simply add as a topper to his//her food or serve as a separate treat;
  • Yes the ASPCA lists dairy as bad for your dog and cat;
    • The ASPCA’s condemnation of dairy is inaccurate and incorrect;
    • Certain types of dairy products such as cheese, kefir and yogurt are very good for most dogs and cats;
    • You can read about the many health benefits and how to choose a good dairy product for your dog or cat here.

6.0 Daily Dosage
  • Small Size Dogs and Cats
    • ½  tsp to 1/8 cup
  • Medium Size dogs;
    •  1 tbs to ¼ cup
  • Large Size Dogs;
    • 2 tbs to ½ cup