Safe to use as a daily dietary supplement,
alternative medicine for most dogs and cats.
In this article...

1.  Chamomile
2. Health Benefits
3. Cautions
4. Side Effects
5. Drug Interactions
6. General Guidelines for Daily Herbal Intake

1.0 Chamomile (German, Roman)
Chamomile, a member of the daisy family is one of the most ancient, commonly used and well documented known by mankind. The dried flower head of the chamomile plant contains beneficial medicinal properties, the major components being:
  • 36 types of flavonoids;
  • 28 types of trepenoids, and various:
  • Phenolic compounds.
Use chamomile as:
  • An ingested treatment and/or topical treatment;
  • Dry powder, oil, tea, tincture, salve, rinse.

2.0 Health Benefits, partial list…
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Anti-oxidant;
  • Mild astringent and a;
  • Healing medicine
External Uses..
    • Atopic eczema;
    • Dental, gums andoral cavity infections;
    • Disorders of the eye (i.e. blocked tear ducts, conjunctivitis)
    • Ear Infections;
    • Eye Infections;
    • External swelling due to infection or abscess (i.e. toothache)
    • Inflammatory pain;

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