My Sweet Boxer x Pit Bull Robbie

 In This Article...
  1. The Importance of Providing a Balanced Intake
  2. Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  3. Health Benefits of Omega-6 Fatty Acids
  4. Selecting a Good Product
  5. Good Sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids 
  6. Guideline for Typical Daily Dosage of Omega-3
  7. Good Sources of Omega-6 Fatty Acids
  8. Guideline for Typical Daily Dosage of Omega-6
  9. Omega-6 Fatty Acids To Be Avoided - Not Safe!
  10. Cautions
  11. Drug Interactions 

    Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are very important for the overall health of a dog and cat. Conversely a lack of good-source omega fatty acids can create many health issues, from allergies to cancer, fur and skin problems, heart disease and a host of other problems as you will see further below. 

    Insufficient daily intake of Omega-3 fatty acids can contribute to or cause behaviourial problems such as stress, anxiety, depression and aggression.

    1.0 The Importance of Providing a
           Balanced Intake of Omega-3 to 6

    1.1 The Impact of a Balanced Intake
    The intake of Omega-3 and Omega-6 must be balanced correctly. Failure to do so can result in health problems. An out-of-balance ratio can disrupt the balance of pro and anti-inflammatory agents in the body leading to chronic inflammation.
    • Inflammation is a trigger for many inflammatory diseases such as: 
      • Allergies;
      • Arthritis;
      • Cancer;
      • Diabetes;
      • etc.
    As the body does not store Omega-3, daily intake of sufficient Omega-3 is essential for overall health and well being.
    1.2 Correct Ratio Of Omega -3 to Omega-6 Fatty Acids
    To strike the right balance - your dogs overall dietary intake (from food, supplements) should be in the range of 5:1 - meaning 5 parts Omega-6, to 1 part omega-3.
    The actual ratio of supplementation of Omega 3 and 5 fatty acids will depend on what type of diet your dog is on - the reason for this variance is based on quality of diet.
        • Highly Processed Food Diets
          • Dry processed food (kibble) and many wet (canned) foods are too high in poor quality Omega-6 fatty acids, and low in quality Omega-3 fatty acids.
          • Grain-in processed food (dry or canned)results in an escalation of poorly balanced Omega 6:3 intake - you can read more about that here. 
          • And making matters worse:
            • Many treats - cookies, chews, etc., include very poor source Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, may contain grains and other inflammatory agents which adversely impact your dogs, cats overall daily omega 6:3 intake.
          • Supplementation of fatty-acids for the above diets will need to bring the overall diet closer to the normal 5:1 intake - to do this you will need to add a good quality Omega-6, and several good source Omega-3, your actual supplementation ratio may be 1:2, resulting in supplementation of i.e. organic coconut oil + wild fish oil + hemp seed hearts or hemp seed oil + organic kefir, or yogurt.
          • If you are feeding your dog raw dehydrated or raw fresh/frozen in which the meat is sourced from factory farm-raised (CAFO) animals additional supplementation with a good quality Omega-3 is recommended.
          • If you are feeding pasture-raised, grass fed, or organic raw - incorporating coconut oil and a good-source omega-3 oil provides added benefit to your dogs, cats overall diet.
    There are three (3) omega three fatty acids that your dog or cat must take-in on daily basis: 
    • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA);
    • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and; 
    • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
    Good quality Omega-3 has all three of these important acids.

    2.0 Health Benefits - Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    Yes my boy is smiling - Dogs do smile, you can read about that here

    2.1 Omega-3 Fatty Acids Help Avoid, Control, Treat,

    • Arthritis
    • Asthma
    • Atopy
    • Support optimum brain function
    • Bone health
    • Digestive disease
    • Eosinophilic granuloma complex
    • Excessive blood clotting 
    • Flea allergies
    • Hair/fur problems
    • Helps prevent cancer growth
    • Heart disease
    • Learning difficulties
    • Lowers the amount of lipids (i.e. cholesterol, triglycerides) circulating in the bloodstream
    • Immune-mediated skin disease
    • Inflammation throughout the body
    • Inhibits thickening of the arteries 
    • Kidney disease
    • Reduces risk of obesity
    • Seborrhea
    • Metabolism regulation
    • Military dermatitis
    • Maintains fluidity of cell membranes 
    2.2 Omega-3 Fatty Acids - An Effective, Natural and Safe Alternative to Steroids and NSAIDs...

    Omega-3 Fatty Acids are one of the many healthy, natural nutraceuticals that can be used in combination with anti-inflammatory herbs as an effective and safe alternative to steroidal (i.e. Prednisone) and non-steroidal (NSAIDs such as Metacam) that have very serious health risks. You can read more about natural anti-inflammatories here.

      Robbie with Sarah my GSD x Husky

      3.0 Health Benefits of Omega-6 Fatty

      Omega-6 Fatty Acids Help...
      • Build cell membranes and support cell health
      • Dry coat
      • Mycoplasma
      • Regulate Blood Clotting
      • Seborrhea

        Not All Sources of Omega Fatty Acids Are Equal...
        It is also important to understand that although Omega 3 and 6 can be found in many food stuffs not all sources of these fats offer quality or safe nutrition. 

        4.0 Selecting a Good Product

        4.1 Decide On Your Approach
        How you choose to supplement depends on your life-style, personal priorities etc...
        • Pre-blended Supplement all-in-one liquid or soft-gel
          • If your priority is time-efficiency over quality than your best bet is a pre-prepared, pre-blended supplement that provides (or claims to provide) a full spectrum of omega fatty acids (3-6-9);
            •  This may save you time but you may end-up sacrificing convenience for quality if you do not choose the product wisely;
            • If you choose the pre-blended product  you will also need to decide if you are going to use a liquid supplement or a soft gel supplement. 
        The photo below shows a few examples of  typical pre-blended 3-6-9 made for pets Omega fatty acid products...

        Various examples of pre-blended, made for dogs and cats Omega 3-6-9 Supplements

        A few Examples of Organic Human Food-grade, safe for Dogs and Cats Omega 3-6-9 Supplements
        • Single Source Whole Food Products:
          • You may instead prefer to use single source products that you add yourself to your companion animals food;
            • This choice can provide you with more flexibility as to the quality of products as you can select the type and quality of the omega-3 and 6 you use;
            • For example you may decide to use Norwegian Krill Oil for omega-3 and organic virgin Coconut oil for Omega-6.
          Made for Pets and Some Made for Humans Single Food Source Omega-3 Fatty Acid Oils

          4.2 Whats My Preferred Approach?
          I prefer using good quality human food-grade whole food products such as Carsons Cod Liver Oil, or Nordic Naturals Krill or Salmon oil along with coconut oil, olive oil, flax seeds and a piece of real fatty fish added to my dogs and cats meal once a day.

          4.3 Read The Product Label for Quality Assurance
          Next it is so important to read product ingredient lists - and here is why...
          • Omega-3 Fa

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