Brief history of the breed

Samoyed breed dogs are part of the rich Spitz family of dogs, so-called "primitive dogs." Originate in northeastern Russia, namely the vast and icy territory of Siberia. Samoyed tribe of natives that used the dogs to keep control of herds of reindeer in tow sled and hunting, he called Bjelkier .
These dogs have been domesticated and proliferate at least 3000 years ago, is one of the oldest and purest breed known today, along with other Nordic dogs such as Husky, Malamute or "Chinese" Chow Chow - to give a few examples.

In total so far scientists have identified 14 very old breed descent, pure, over 2500 years and the Samoyed is a prominent member of the "club". Northern populations very much cherished dog sled and gave him the "household utility". Thus, after shedding their hair was collected and used for spinning, achieving warm clothes and were used in family shelters, sleeping with people, to warm with their body. Have always been appreciated for great physical strength, coupled with the impressive resistance effort, and long-term. Early explorers of the frozen North and South have relied on the special qualities of the Siberian sled dog. In 1800, explorer Robert Scott was imported to England first copies helping to popularize the breed. Bjelkier known, was attended by Fridtjof Nansen in expeditions to the North Pole (Kaifas & Suggen dogs, harness bosses, 1893-1896) and Roald Amundsen who reached the South Pole expedition (dog Etah, head of harness, 1910-1912). The first Samoyed dog breed was brought to the U.S. in 1906, by fur traders. In 1900 race Samoyed named after the tribe in which developed, adopted name worldwide except Russia, where he kept the name Bjelkier. In 1923 they officially drop "e-mail" in end name and the breed is recognized by the English Kennel Club in category Nordic dogs with Samoyed name. AKC accepts and recognizes changes in turn breed, officially, in 1947, which fall into the category dogs.

Description and maintaining race

Lifespan: 12-15 years
Group: Utilitary
Color: white (sometimes pale cream or combinations thereof with pure white)
Nickname: Sammy
Size: Medium
Shedding: Moderate
Height: 47-59 cm
Weight: 18-30 kg

Samoyed is a medium sized dog strong, well muscled, with a prominent chest, long legs and slender. The body is more longer than tall. These dogs head is broad, of medium size, has a conical snout (specify Spitz family), with black nose (rarely brown or dark red). Eyes are almond and dark distance. The ears are small, rounded at the top, spaced and raised. The tail is long, bushy and curved back or hung. The coat is double with a soft first layer, although short and a harsh outer coat, ruffled stand. These properties is hypoallergenic dogs hair with texture similar to angora hair and was successfully used to manufacture garments thick, well protecting cold. The hair is longer neck, forming a mane.

Temperament and behavior specific

This dog is intelligent and energetic, sociable, cheerful and alert. Samoyed has a dominant character, often proves stubborn. Behavior is sometimes moody, can be disobedient. It is gentle and patient with children, but needs early socialization and education firm, to obey unconditionally owners. Not a recommended a watchdog, befriending strangers after they signal.

Feels best in outdoor environments with lower temperatures, with an active family. Rich and warm fur to help it cope very well any weather. He needs a lot of daily exercise such as: walking, running beside the bike. It is curious, independent, love to explore the surroundings on their own and therefore should make sure that the living space to be properly fenced. Take piercing howl like wolves. Otherwise, rarely barks.

About training

Samoyed breed dog training is a very difficult operation because it is independent and stubborn. Training should begin at an early age and should be firm, consistent, balanced, varied in order not to get bored, and be done with patience. Samoyed needs to be respected and treated with indulgence as a friend. Not recommended attitude too severe, harsh tone, but his voice calm and balanced. For centuries it was a dog with specific tasks, particularly difficult, worked diligently and interested besides humans, but at the end of every working day enjoyed total freedom and this behavior is observed in general. If not busy with work precise, will make your own schedule. Require early socialization with other animals in the household as hunter instincts are strong and can occur at any time, making animals smaller yard or seen in game environment. And today Samoyed dogs are used in arctic areas to control and herd reindeer, the sled dogs, hunting. The West has imposed in recent years as a very popular pet.

Care and sensitivity to disease
Samoyed is a breed that sheds profusely changing seasons, their hair combed and brushed must periodically to remove loose hair. Are not demanding in terms of care, are hardy and robust dogs. Be gradually accustomed bath, for not too much opportunity to swim in the natural environment. React somewhat more circumspect with water at the first meeting, but will not be problems along the way. Dogs are clean, neat and, like all Nordic breeds, dog odor emanates not.
In terms of health, Samoyed dogs are genetically predisposed to renal disease, called "hereditary glomerulopathy". Other specific diseases: hip dysplasia, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes.

Our conclusion: 
Samoyed breed dogs are some wonderful partners for any active person with resources to educate and care for an animal which shows a strong personality. Attach very much the master, but his condition and needs supervision. Animals are calm, balanced and sociable with others. Can be very pleasant playmates for children, are full of energy and will enjoy intense cold weather.

Traditional name Samoyed breed dogs:
Males: Arctic, Arlo, Astro, Casper, Eskimo, Fram, Frosty, Igloo, Lukas, Marcus, Nordic, Oskar, Silver, Sparky, Taro, Winter, Zlatan
Females: Alaska, Aurora, Blanca, Greta, Jojo, Kira, Laika, Maya, Natasha, Petra, Tundra, Vodka, Wanda

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