Work training a Samoyed dog is not easy. Being a smart and opportunistic animal, this dog will quickly make a vision of his environment and will focus on the most simple and effective way to get what you thank. So for sure you will have many surprises you when you engage in training exercises.

Samoyed perfectly mastered the art of false ignorant (also called "self-induced deafness"), especially when asked to do something she does not like. Some owners Samoyed, lack of experience in working with these dogs, even advanced the idea that this dog is "bad". But things are not nearly so simple. Experts decided: Samoyed dog is intelligent, resourceful, just that its hard to find the way by which he may be worth. If you want to enforce certain rules of behavior he make sure that you follow every time the question. Do not create the impression that dog rules apply his new home are flexible, because you will not get good answers from him. For example, if you as an adult Samoyed dogs have access to certain areas of the house, firmly deny it since the days when it is a puppy and keep active rule every time you see tempted to break.

Samoyed, like any dog sled (Nordic dog) has a strong pack instinct. Use this feature to your account. Thus, we seek to enroll in junior dog training schools, those programs run by professionals who are initiated into training puppies aged 4 months and 1 year. Husky learn best in community, is a wonderful dog that adapts group along with other dogs, swiftly finds and interacts well. This paradox can be met with any sled dog, either Husky, Siberian or Malamute. The group will seek a dog hierarchical position and will cooperate disciplined and zealous in the common effort in the group engages. Acting individually will only design their own objectives and seek to maintain their independent decisions. Along with other dogs will consume more energy Native. Be careful and keep your arrogant position "alpha dog" (ie to get into the role of "head of the harness") in relation to your little dog is very important that. If you would perceive as such, will be much easier to impose and teaches her training elements later.

Around the age of one year can start with exercise program for obedience training. It must be said that these dogs reach maturity around the age of 18 months. If you use a specialist and you enroll in a young dog training school, you will have both an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage is higher intelligence and learning ability of this breed. The dog will behave well to training and important points will accumulate quite easy. But, as many Samoyed dog owners complained, the situation changes radically home in that same "student leaders of" the training class will be "deaf" and uncooperative at home.

Explanation has its fulcrum in the same native intelligence of these dogs north. Samoyed is intelligent enough to differentiate situations in their favor. They learn quickly that it is to their advantage to get noticed positive training courses to get rewards and work less, but will be based on the condition family home knowing that omissions and mistakes will be finally forgiven. The solution is to participate and will to exercise and see attitude instructor. Firmness and constancy which he proves in working with "students" are its elements that you have to learn them on your turn. Another possible solution is to document the manuals and publications about working in dog training rules (sources are available) and to personally take care of your companion animal education. May be more difficult, but in the end your dog will know who is "in control".

It is important to note a particular aspect: Samoyed dogs are working. These dogs were selected and bred for and only for this. Therefore he puts a high value on times when not engaged in an activity, because in the world of ice from which they were very rare. Native tribes who have domesticated and bred were constantly engaged in a fierce struggle for survival. Many of their duties in this respect they share with these beautiful dogs and resistant. Samoyed hand herds of elk, wolves attacks shepherdess, with master valve, carrying her breasts etc loaded. Beyond a well-defined activities in which to give strength and measure its resistance and out of a pack, to which this dog reveals his independent spirit and seeks to broaden horizons on their own.

In conclusion, the Samoyed is not the kind of dog that is unaware of the movement, on the one hand and can not be left unattended in the open field, no matter how long you been living together common. This dog needs a program rich in exercises and activities, but the leash should be used most of the time in open ground. You can give it but in confined spaces, at a distance suitable for the responsiveness and efficiency in land restricted or very well known. Otherwise, make leash walks exciting, challenging and long trips, especially in winter, it co-opted in "to the job of" pulling sled. Running is vital to the Samoyed, are made for it, and are able to cover impressive distances with minimum effort. If speed is Malamute dogs basic argument, Samoyed is a champion endurance tests. For those who believe too harsh and restrictive leash your dog and keep his engagement in activities consistent effort consuming, the conclusion is clear: not fit for a dog Samoyed owners.

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