Brief history of the breed

Gordon Setter is softer and more affectionate relationship with man than most other breeds of Setter type, and favorite place is in the middle of rural lands meadows wandered only good. In terms of physical characteristics Gordon Setter is the largest, most massive and most "sedate" the setter breeds.

This dog calm temperament is particularly tenacious and musculoskeletal entire construction makes it suitable for large activities throughout the day. Member of a group collectively Gundogs, Gordon Setter is the product of crosses and subsequent selection among many species of hounds that existed and proliferated in the British Isles over the past 5 centuries. The first dogs with similar physical characteristics appear to have occurred in Scotland at the beginning of the seventeenth century. But very decorative ancestors of this breed are so numerous as it is difficult to pinpoint now, considering that many races contributory disappeared in the last 150 years.

This shows the situation with the Russian Setter, Setters Galez (Welsh Setter), Northern Irish Water Spaniel, Irish Water Spaniel Southern, Spanish and Portuguese pointer. Experts believe that most of these races have contributed to a greater or lesser extent, the emergence of modern race Gordon Setter. Overall, the ancestor race can say it was a large dog Water Spaniel. They were originally known as the Black and Tan Setter (black and brown Setter), the prominent color of the coat, then as Gordon Castle Setter. This last item, the modern name of the breed is because of the 4th Duke of Gordon, Sir Alexander (1743-1827) who showed a keen interest in these dogs in kennels developing race on his estate. But weather records underlines that Duke Alexander Gordon kennels are also found quite a few copies tricolor coat, today placed outside the standard. The first pair of Gordon Setter was brought to the United States in 1842, by George Blunt and Daniel Webster and came from a kennel on the Gordon. AKC officially recognized the breed in 1892, under the name Gordon Castle Setter, and in 1924 the UK Kennel Club officially adopted the name of Gordon Setter. Gordon Setters has always been a methodical hunter, skilled and tireless. Gordon Setter in recent decades has become a beloved companion dog, besides remained an excellent hunting dog, preferred by many practitioners of this "sport" with ancestral roots.

Description and maintaining race

Lifespan: 10-12 years
Group: Sporting / Gundog
Color: black with brown spots on the face, chest and legs (black and tan). A small patch on the chest is acceptable
Varieties: Gordon red when there is a recessive gene. The coat is rusty brown color, in combination with classic brown. These copies, as Gordon Setter Tricolor not accepted breed standard
Size: large
Shedding: Moderate
Height: 58-68 cm
Weight: 20-36 kg

Gordon Setter is a dog of medium to large, slender, with elegant shape and muscular body. It is a tall dog with a massive head with rounded lines long, chiseled. The muzzle is relatively long, rectangular shape, with prominent stop. The nose is black with well defined nostrils and eyes are oval, of medium size, dark shades of brown. The ears are wide, swung and pointed at the tip and the tail is straight and bushy, thicker at the base and thinner towards the top. Gordon Setter keeps the tail straight or slightly curved, level or fallen below the general line of the back. Deep chest reaches to the elbows, but not be very wide. Feet should be similar to those of a cat with arched toes and well clothed with hair. The coat is smooth or slightly wavy hair, medium length, silky, black with brown spots. The coat is rich and well feathered on the ears, belly, chest, neck, back of the legs.

Temperament and specific behavior 

It is an intelligent dog with great labor force, strong, enthusiastic. Standard temperament is characterized by emotionality and sociability, proving in all situations calm, gentle and balanced. Early socialization needs to adjust to the presence of other animals around it, but a good interaction with them during junior guarantee permissive reactions in adulthood. Is obedient and devoted to his master, loving and gentle with children, wary of strangers. Gordon Setter is a dog with a high level of activity who likes to do more exercise and have occupation. It is recommended that active people can make their free time to take care of the dog because he likes to roam, to take long walks, run beside a bicycle after he reached adulthood. Can be kept in an apartment and if conditions because is a large dog and if gets daily exercise and balance exercises you physically and mentally, will sit quietly in the house. But feel best in a well-fenced yard where he can move freely.

About training

The most important element that must be taken into account in training when we talk about race these dogs Gordon Setter is a tendency to act independently in some cases. Also, especially males show a certain pride, that training should be firm, consistent, balanced but not overly harsh or coercive. Voice gentle and affectionate, non-management attitudes that suggest dissatisfaction (proves stubborn when or superficial) are most appropriate "tools". Being a very affectionate dog, Gordon Setter will be strongly influenced by mood seen in master and will shape behavior in a positive way when you see dissatisfaction owner. Emotional bond as the basis for training is very important. Gordon Setter is very well suited to training for hunting and is a great partner to hunt birds, especially woodcock. It also has good guard dog qualities, being vigilant, alert and wary of strangers.

Care and sensitivity to disease

The coat should be brushed and combed regularly. It will remove excess hair inside the ear increased, to maintain and clean the ear canal to prevent ear infection. Dewclaws should be removed.
Although there is no one breed predisposition for hip dysplasia, are periodically reported cases in some specimens. Other health problems observed in the race: hypothyroidism, gastric torsion, several ocular diseases including progressive retinal atrophy and cataracts are distinguished by higher impact rate.

Our conclusion: 
Gordon Setter is primarily a hunting dog agile and very intelligent. It acts as a wonderful pet, subject and very loyal to his family. Brave, friendly and cheerful, Gordon Setter turns your patience and permissiveness in the relationship with children. May become jealous over other existing animals in the family, but is generally tolerant of them. These dogs have a strong instinct for "wanderer", so make sure that your property is well fenced.

Traditional name Gordon Setter dog breed:
Males: Argus, Ardiles, Brendan, Barroso, Calvin, Corrado, Darius, Harlem, Hunter, Kevin Kelso, Lorik, Morfeo
Females: Ama, Aurora, Brenda, Barbara, Carmen, Cora, Diana, Daria, lightning, Hindi, Iris, Loreta, Marina

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