Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has been used for centuries for its medical properties and as a dietary supplement. In Greece, around 400 BC the father of modern medicine – Hippocrates prescribed ACV with honey to treat many ailments. By the later part of the 1700s about 70% of all farmers in USA’s New England states owned-operated apple cider milling/pressing equipment.  Due to the many uses and availability of ACV, it became a common currency of exchange – particularly in rural areas where coins were comparatively in short supply.

Naturally fermented, unpasteurized, organic ACV contains ‘mother of vinegar’ - a cloudy sediment-filled liquid which contains the healthful properties of ACV.

Distilled, pasteurized, over-processed ACV (the type of ACV that is available at most the grocery stores), lacks the beneficial properties of unpasteurized, organic ACV as the pasteurizing, filtering process destroys the ‘mother of vinegar’.

In this article you will learn about…
  • The beneficial properties of ACV;
  • Health benefits of ACV;
  • The many beneficial ways to use ACV for your dog’s health;
  • Dosage (provided for dogs, cats, humans)
  • What to look for when buying ACV;
  • Cautions, side effects;

 Beneficial Properties In Mother of Vinegar
  • Acetic acid (the primary active ingredient);
  • Amino, Lactic and Propionic Acid;
  • Anti-bacterial – when used topically and ingested, ACV inhibits the growth of bad bacteria;
  • Anti-fungal;
  • Anti-viral;
  • Vitamins and minerals including:
  • Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, B2 and B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Pro-vitamin Beta-Carotene, Vitamin P (bioflavonoids);
  • Potassium – protects against tooth decay, heart-healthy as it helps to keeps blood pressure in-check – ACV is an excellent source of easily-absorbable potassium;
    Pectin – helps lower LDL (bad cholesterol);
  • Potash – source of fibre.

Health Benefits/Uses of Organic ACV

Aids Digestion
ACV helps to stimulate stomach acid. Stomach acid aids the digestion of protein and fats.

De-ToxerACV helps to clean the blood and liver of toxins. A constant and heavy toxic load forces the liver to work overtime – eventually leading to organ fatigue, toxicity and finally organ failure. A dog can end-up carrying a serious toxic load as he/she may ingest and otherwise absorb multiple toxins in the course of a typical day…for example:
  • Many commercially manufactured dog and cat food (dry kibble, wet canned food, treats);
  • Fluorinated water;
  • Road-salt(very carcinogenic);
  • Chemical-based household cleaners (breathing in the vapours, licking surfaces, lying on chemically cleaned surfaces);
  • Surface contact and/or ingesting grass treated with fertilizers and pesticides. 

Dietary Supplement
ACV can be used topically and as a dietary supplement. As a dietary supplement ACV can be added directly to your dog’s and cats fresh drinking water or to one of your dog’s daily meals. I add ACV directly to my dogs’ food once a day.

Dosage (human dosage provided at the bottom of the article):
  • Small Dogs (and cats) up to 14 lbs - 1 tsp;
  • Medium Dogs (and cats) 15 lbs to 34 lbs - 2 ts;
  • Large Dogs:
    • 35 lbs to 84 lbs - 1 tbs;
    • 85 lbs to 134 lbs - 1.5 tbsp;
    • 135 lbs to 200 lbs – 2 tbsp.
Ear Care
  • ACV can be used to clean your dog’s and cats ear;
  • ACV can be used to treat yeast –based ear infections.
  • Combine equal parts of ACV and distilled water, mix the solution; 
  • With a syringe or dropper, gently drop about 10 drops of the liquid into your dog’s /cats ear - make sure that the syringe is located at the entrance to the ear canal - the syringe should never be placed inside of the ear canal. 
  • Gently rub/massage the ear in a circular motion, then remove your hand and let your dog/cat shake its head.
Caution – do not use this treatment if you dog’s ear drums are perforated or punctured. To learn more about ear infections, causes and other options for treatments and remedies continue reading here.

If your dog or cat is prone to yeast-based ear infections…
  • Most cases of yeast-based ear infections in dogs and cats are a result of Candida (overgrowth of bad bacteria in the GI Tract which causes leaky-gut syndrome and results in yeast infection which may surface in the ears, paws, etc. 
  • Grains in a dogs and cats diet are the number one cause of food sensitivity leading to yeast in

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