My cat Tibby with my Boxer x Pit Bull Robbie
In this Article:
    1.0 The importance of ensuring your dog and cat have adequate moisture intake with their

          1.1 Daily Digestive Health
          1.2 Treatment of Arthritis and Cancer
          1.3 Restorative Digestive Health
          1.3.Recovery From Injury or Poor Appetite
          1.4 Renal Health 
          1.5 Dental Health
    2.0 Recipe for Chicken, Meat or Vegetable Broth
    3.0 Recipe for Bone Broth
    4.0 Recipe for Smoothie 

    1.0 The Importance of Ensuring Your Dog and Cat have
             Adequate Moisture Intake With their Food;

    My Pomeranian Zoey, my GSD x Malamute Jordie,
    my Sheltie x Pomeranian Stevie and my Chihuahua Carmen

    Regardless of whether you are feeding:

    • Dry food;
    • Homemade cooked and fresh food, or;
    • Raw food...
    Increased moisture is of great benefit to your companion animal’s overall health.

    Dry food (kibble, cookies, etc.) is formulated in direct contradiction to a dog’s and cat’s natural diet (species appropriate diet). A species appropriate diet for a dog and cat is high in moisture content as fresh meat represented the major portion of the diet, with fat next and then carbohydrates.

    1.1Daily Digestive Health

    During the digestive process dry food actually steals moisture from the digestive system and can cause clinical dehydration – particularly in dogs and cats that drink very little water or other fluids directly before or just after their meal. 

    1.2 Prevention, Treatment of Arthritis, Cancer

    Bone broth made from organic grass fed animal bones is a good source of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) a form of naturally occurring sulfur that is present in all vertebrates. Dogs with cancer (humans as well) are often found to be deficient in sulfur. Sulfur performs multiple actions that make it difficult for cancer and inflammation to spread...
    • MSM protects against oxidative stress by supporting the bodies ability to produce glutathione. 
    • Glutathione is one of the most important antioxidants produced naturally by the body. 
    • Glutathione cannot be produced without sulfur.
    • MSM is used to help alleviate the symptoms of arthritis.
    Nutrient Absorption, Detoxification, Oxygenation:
    • Sulfur improves cell-wall permeability which supports the movement of:
      • Nutrients into cells, and; 
      • The transfer of waste product and toxins out of cell.
      • Sulfur helps to oxygenate the blood.

    Cancer Inhibitor:
    • Strengthens collagen an amino acid that gives strength to many structures in the body (i.e. bone, connective tissue, skeletal muscles, etc.);
      • Healthy collagen:
        • Helps to hamper the spread of cancer and may even turn malignant tumors into benign tumors;
        • Helps to repair the damage from chemotherapy;
    • Helps to re-balance the bodys pH level from acidic to alkaline - cancer and other diseases thrive in an acidic environment;
    • Most dogs, cats and people that are suffering from cancer have an acidified body pH level.
    1.3 For Restorative Digestive Health 
    If your dog or cat has just experienced a bout of diarrhea and you have fasted him/her for a day  and you want to start re-introducing food to his/her diet - you can start by offering your dog or cat a bowl of  bone broth. Bone broth when made properly is rich in nutrients and easy on the digestive system.

    Leak-Gut Syndrome
    If your dog or cat has leaky-gut syndrome bone broth can help with cell repair. Bone broth contains substances that are important for intestinal cell health - these substances include:
    - Collagen;
    - Gelatin;
    - Glycine, and;
    - Proline.

    1.4 For Recovery From Injury or a Poor Appetite

    If your dog or cat has just had surgery or a oral injury, is older and has a suppressed appetite   bone broth can be added to the daily diet to help deliver needed nut

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