Brief history of the breed

Mastino Napoletano race past is closely linked to that of ancient Mastiff. Most likely Tibetan mastiff, a massive and powerful dog used to hunt dangerous animals on escorting caravans and herd, walked with human groups started in the Great migration from East to West, reaching different historical stages in parts of Europe where it evolved under the influence of particular factors.

Phoenicians, a people of merchants and sailors bold, may have brought with them copies of Molossian ships of Epirus, aclimatizand this breed in many areas of the Mediterranean basin. They say Mastino Napoletanos ancestor was Alexanders favorite dog. Annotations on the campaigns of Caesar in Britannia (circa 55 BC) recorded that Roman troops were faced with huge canine specimens increased by Celtic tribes, most likely Molossi. Impressed with proven strength and courage in battle, Caesar ordered the seizure of copies to be taken to Rome, where they were to fight in the arena with other wild animals.

Convincing gladiator position, this huge dog, fearless, with a devastating bite was quickly "enrolled" in the Roman legions who bore expansion campaigns of the empire. Mastifii reportedly era "legionnaires" were equipped with leather harnesses that were attached to the back and sides and serrated metal blades. These dogs were trained to sneak in without fear of horses struggle to split their bellies, so stem cavalry attacks. Its qualities very strictly guard its territory have promoted the role of watchdog favorite and defending Roman patricians. Romanian-era mosaics, opulent mansions found in the ruins of the southern Italian peninsula, retain images of dogs with strong skeleton, muscular, with huge heads. Probably as a result of crosses between Mastino Napoletano resulted molossii described. While the breed has seen many changes, yet keeping some features such as robustness of the bones, muscular body, folds of skin around the head and skull size. In southern Italy, where race has always been perpetuated even in rural areas, but are particularly preferred noble families, Mastino Napoletano was raised as a watchdog and defense, in particular, but was used in dog role hunting or guardian and companion of cattle. In 1897, the renowned professor Errico Veterinary Tecce specialist at the Royal Veterinary School of Naples Mastino Napoletano describes the dog as a hunting arsenal of useful force in dealing with large and ferocious animals, but also to defend herds of cattle. He says Mastino is always attached and affectionate with its master and its custom and tear can attack everything in an instant.

In modern times, many criminals in the organization feared Neapolitan Camorra mob dogs using them as bodyguards, eliminating them through tough workouts, any trace of innocence. For a long time the breed was unknown outside Italy. The period between the two world wars and the economic crisis seriously affected recorded when the breed. One of those who were seriously involved in restoring and revitalizing the breed was Piero Scanziani (1908-2003), a renowned writer, journalist and man of culture who lived a long time Swiss in Italy. He sensed potential and typicity this breed, initiating the first steps in the process of formalization. First appearance in an official exhibition is registered in Naples in 1946. The 8 copies of Mastino Napoletano exposed not enjoyed notable success due to lack of homogeneity of distinctive features. Years of careful selection and controlled crossings stabilized race, bringing it into actual physical landmarks. The first copies arrived in the U.S. in 1970, and three years later Mastino Napoletano Club into being American. With the increasing popularity of this regular shows and exhibitions, Mastino Napoletano won the attention of connoisseurs and experts, such as in 2004 reputable AKC officially recognized the breed in the group has hired a dog. Today, Mastino Napoletano is present in many countries around the world, is a breed of discretion and with a watchdog role.

Description and maintaining race

Lifespan: 9-10 years
Group: Working / Utility
Color: deep gray solid colors (blue), black, black and mahogany (reddish tinted), brick. All these colors may be variations of intensity (shades). Some examples are brindle (reverse tigrare on a black background with tan trim). White markings are permitted on the chest, neck, belly and paws heads.
Size: large
Shedding: Moderate
Height: 61-79 cm
Weight: 50-70 kg (males can often reach 90 kg)

Mastino Napoletano is a large dog, massive, vigorous, with a solid build and prominent muscles. Defining features strong bones and body are covered with heavy leather, forming deep facial wrinkles and folds around the neck extensive. It has a large head, square, flat and wrinkled forehead, a short nose, broad and black with a big nose and thick lips that make the front of the mouth have shaped "V" returned. The head is covered with flowing folds of skin on the sides to the middle neck. Eyeballs with iris in dark shades are sunken in their sockets, and their eyelids hanging, leaving visible the inner membrane. The ears are medium sized, sharp and natural pendants. Many homeowners prefer to cut the ears, offering an even more menacing dog. The tail is broad at the base, the overall conical shape, according to Long. The coat is disposed on one layer, very thin and has a thick, short, hard, bright.

Temperament and behavior specific
Impressive impact image, Mastino Napoletano is actually a dog alert, quiet and balanced. It is very brave in situations that involve practically knows no fear. It is an intelligent dog aware of his strength, capable force actions really dangerous, given its immense strength. It is noisy, expresses his irritation rising phase with a deep growl, sound intimidating. These dogs are tolerant of children, even loving, but you should not be bothered. Impressive from an animal with a dash of downright threatening, Mastino Napoletano turns tenderly to master. It is very attached to his family, which will naturally feel the need to protect it to the maximum extent anything. Is dominant with other dogs and needs early socialization to tolerate other animals around him.

About training
Because it is intelligent, this dog is not very difficult to train but still it is recommended that training be done by someone with experience. Training needs a gentle, balanced, consistently. The instructor must show patience to get good final results. The puppy stage (from age junior) should not be allowed to make more effort to engage in actions too large in terms of physical involvement, even if they show signs extra energy they want to drink it. Their skeletal system with a high growth rate, but also be protected joints and wrists. In phase adult dog will exhibit a low activity mode, proving to be rather sedentary dog. You still motivated and supported to make the move, to avoid becoming overweight.

Care and sensitivity to disease
The coat should be brushed during the moult, to remove dead hair. Creases on the face must be cleaned periodically with a solution recommended by your veterinarian, to not infect. Mastino Napoletano is a dog that leaves bale, given the particular shape of the lips (very large, hanging in folds). Around the mouth should be cleaned daily, insisting in this operation after daily meals, because the leftovers can stay. Mastino Napoletano better not stand excessive heat (landscaped areas needs careful the shade and moisture), but not low temperatures (when the thermometer drops to around 0 degrees Celsius). Winter needs to stay in shelter inside the home. However, there is an apartment dog. The ideal place is on a property where the house is surrounded by a courtyard. During summer will patrol around the house, engaging in carefully guarded perimeter.
Neo, Mastino Napoletano as it is nicknamed, has some medical and sensitivities of specific diseases. The most common eye disease condition is red ("Cherry Eye"). Other diseases reported in the breed are hip dysplasia and the shoulder, ectropion, entropion, progressive retinal atrophy, hypothyroidism, cardiomyopathy, gastric torsion and rash / skin infection.

Our conclusion: Mastino Napoletano is a special dog. Huge, impressive, threatening in shape, but affectionate and sentimental with his owner and his family can be defined as an animal of contrasts. The power that inspires loyalty and proved it by offering a high sense of security holders. But brute force is capable of feeding and maintenance needs and we recommend everyone who is not. Require a strong and rational master. Beyond is a huge be kept under firm control, a devoted and loyal partner, partners dependent human condition, a "beautiful ugly" whose feelings of attachment and dedication will never be put in doubt.

Traditional name Mastino Napoletano breed dogs:
Males: Alfredo, Amaretto, Arturo, Barbaro, Benito, Carro, Corleone, Dante, Dario, Draco, Enrico, Ferro, Fido, Gianni, Piero, Pietro, Rotto, Salvattore, Serafino, Spartacus, Tito, Umberto, Vitale
Females: Adrina, Alda, Arabela, Bella, Betina, Cara, Carlotta, Fidelia, Fiorella, Fortuna, Gina, Giovanna, Marcella, Minerva, rocks, first, Regina, Speranza, Terza, sad, Verona, Zola

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