In this article...
    1. Symptoms, Signs That Your Dog, Cat May Have a UTI;
    2. Causes of UTI;
    3. Natural, Herbal, Nutraceutical Treatments for UTIs 
      1. Step 1 - Topical Treatment
      2. Step 2 - Ingested Treatment
      3. Step 3 - Add Herbs to the Diet
      4. Step 4 - Improve Your Dogs, Cats Daily Diet 

      If you catch the infection early you can treat your dog’s, cats urinary tract infection (UTI) - also known as bladder infection, using natural, fresh food, herbal treatments

      1.0 Symptoms, Signs of a UTI

      While not all dogs will show outward signs of UTI, many dogs, cats will exhibit one or more of the following indicators…
      • Sudden onset of frequent urination…every 5, 10, 15, 30 minutes and/or the ongoing need to frequently urinate;
      • Urination in inappropriate and not-in-character/non-typical places, i.e. your bed, his/her bed, the couch, the stairs, etc.
      • Drinking more water than usual;
      • Fever
      • Lethargy;
      • Traces of blood in the urine
      • Painful urination – dog, cat is crying or straining when attempting to urinate.

      2.0 Causes of UTI

      2.1 Overgrowth of Bacteria

      An overgrowth of bacteria in the urinary tract is the most common cause of UTI...
      • Bacteria thrive in an alkaline environment;
      • The urine passed by a healthy dog normally has a slightly pH level;
      • A healthy pH level for most dogs is pH 6 to 6.5 if the dog is on a well-balanced species appropriate diet;
      • Dogs and cats are evolved to eat real meat - not processed dry dog food. Unprocessed real meat makes urine slightly acidic thus creating an environment that is not friendly for  overgrowth of bacteria.
      2.2 Species Inappropriate Diet

      Species inappropriate diets are a very common cause of UTI…
      • Commercially manufactured dry dog and cat food is not a species appropriate food for multiple reasons...
        • Dogs and cats are not evolved to eat and thrive on:
          • Dry processed food that: 
            • Lacks moisture;
            • Has been processed...
              • Heated at very high temperatures and double cooked;
              • Has lost most its beneficial amino acids, enzymes, micro-organisms etc.
              • That contains multiple toxic ingredients such as chemical based preservatives and food colouring
              • Inflammatory ingredients - gains, sugar, chemical preservatives, etc.,
              • Genetically modified foods (high in pesticide residue etc.); 
              • and other inappropriate ingredients such as powdered cellulose which is wood pulp;
              • In-fact and most shocking the bulk of veterinary prescribed dry dog and cat foods are a perfect example of foods that cause UTIs - you can see why here.
      • A vegan diet that is not supplemented with enough vitamin C.

        2.3 A Predisposition for UTI can be Further Enabled by...
        • An acquired habit of holding urine – i.e. dog, cat does not get enough and regular opportunities to urinate;
        • Insufficient access to fresh, clean drinking water;
        • Some medications, prolonged use of specific medications;
        • Transfer of bacteria from the anus to the urethra;
        • Transfer of bacteria from lying down on a contaminated surface, and;
        • UTIs are often caused when bacteria, fungi or parasites find their way into the bladder or uretha. As female dogs and cats have shorter urethras they are more vulnerable to infection via surface contaminates.
        • A toxic load.
        When a dog’s or cats urine becomes more alkaline the following conditions may occur...
        • Bacteria overgrowth;
        • Cystitus (inflammation of the bladder due to bacteria overgrowth);
        • Urinary Crystals and Stones:
        • Alkalinity can cause minerals that should be flushed out of the bladder to instead settle in the bladder;
          • The mineral molecules may then form crystals;
          • The mineral-based crystals are sharp particles that move around in the bladder scrapping the bladder lining which may result in inflammation of the bladder;
          • In addition the crystals can bond together to form bladder stones.
        UTIs can occur...
        • In the lower urinary tract;
        • In the bladder, or;
        • In the kidneys.
        Left untreated UTI can be a very serious condition which can cause serious and life threatening problems. Your veterinarian can perform a urinary analysis test, x-ray etc. to verify the issue is UTI and not bladder stones.

        The conventional allopathic treatment for UTI is antibiotics or antimicrobial drugs. 
        • Overuse of antibiotics is a huge health risk for your dog and cat;
          • When your dog or cat is on antibiotics his/her immune system is suppressed leaving your dog and cat vulnerable to a host of other issues;
          • As well, the more times a dog and cat is on antibiotic the greater chance of the dog’s, cats system acquiring an immunity to antibiotics – a potentially life-threatening situation.
        If you catch the UTI in its early stages and/or the infection is not extremely severe you can use natural DIY remedies to treat the infection...

        3.0 Natural, Herbal, Nutraceutical
              Treatments for UTIs

        To treat the symptoms, remedy the condition and prevent re-occurance the best a

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