If you look closely at the prong collar, it is basically an imitation bite.  And just like a bite, if yanked hard enough, the prong collar can break the skin.  If there are products out there today that produce the  same results which out such uncalled for side effects, why do we still resort to a device that looks more like it belongs in a medieval torture chamber than it does on a dog?   Would you put one of those around your own neck and give it a yank? I think not.

Unwanted associations may be created if the dog pairs up the unpleasant experience with someone or something in the environment at the moment it is shocked. The unpleasant experience can create fear and distrust of anyone or anything in the environment including its own handler.

Here are some viable training alternatives:
  • A sensible or sensation harness
  • A suitable, well fitting head halter
  • Counter- conditioning
  • Systematic desensitization 
  • Negative punishment- Remove something pleasant to decrease a behavior
  • Positive Reinforcement
  • Interrupt and redirect
  • Environmental management to prevent the unwanted behavior from occurring
  • Creating other acceptable outlets for the unwanted behavior


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