Brief history of the breed
Komondor Dog Breed Origins is still disputed. Their appearance and evolution in Hungary is Placed either on account of Hungarian Tribes That were installed in the Pannonian Plain in around 890 AD, is those of the Cumans (Population nomadic Turk language, resident in the Territory of todays Hungary between ages 12-13) .

Some experts place the origin of the name itself correlated with Cuman tribes (Komon = cuman, miss = dog, dog Cumans). Clearly, shepherds were the ones who brought with them the large dog, strong and imposing. The first written mention about this race listed in Codex since 1544. Today in Hungary, Komondor breed has been declared national treasure by law, is prohibited any improvements and changes. Extraordinary appearance, coat gave felting grouped into strands, long, arranged evenly in layers, suggests a kinship with Puli dog breeds (Hungary) and Bergamasco. Also, some physical and character traits suggests a strong link between Caucasian Shepherd dogs and White (South Russian Ovcharka). It goes without saying that these dogs have originally appeared in an area with extremely harsh environment, for which they have developed very thick and dense fur, with special thread.

This voluminous fur to provide very effective protection against both low temperatures, as well as those high, but at the same time, is a discomfort for a humid climate. Komondor is made for the role of sheepdog. It is sturdy, durable and possess an "armor" impressive. This dog is very brave, great fighter and always alert. Komondor predilection has been used as a guard and protector of flocks of sheep and goats. Fur to help it integrate well in the whole flock of sheep and goats, making him look like one of them. This always gave an advantage to counter attacks very quickly and by surprise predators, be they bears or wolves. And today sheepdog keeps reputation well suited for this role, the favorite of many farmers in the United States. The Komondor predators fight to remain protected from fur felt, allowing him to retaliate in force and to impose. Today the Komondor is a fairly common breed in Hungary, his native country, rebuilt after the difficult period represented by the Second World War. When many copies were killed during fierce battles fought in Hungary, local tradition stating that their sacrifice was motivated by retaliation against the bitter properties wandering where these dogs were "on duty". Because of its qualities is a very good guard dog.

Description and maintaining race

Lifespan: 10-12 years
Group: Working (Herding Dog / Sheepdog)
Color: white ivory
Size: large
Shedding: consistency
Height: 65-80 cm
Weight: 45-60 kg

Komondor is a large dog with a square body, strong, muscular. The head is large in proportion to body, with dark almond shaped eyes. In general, this dog eyes are not visible (making it more difficult to anticipate their reactions) being covered with hair. The ears are large, left, covered their hair turn. The tail is long, slightly turned to the top, worn hanging and the agitation rises up from the back. The coat is great, very thick and long, contributing to the appearance of massive specimens show you breed. Coat color is white (ivory in color), which is double, with a first coat fluffy, very often, woolly and waterproof. The top layer grows long and often felt and corrugated wires are grouped in what might be called the rope (natural). Less pretentious, is weather resistant. Needs an experienced owner decided and dogs growth.

Temperament and behavior specific

Komondor displays a calm soothing but doubled imperturbable courage in guarding and defending the flock entrusted, or property and the house owner. Attack or always rely on surprise. Komondor not bark too much, not to alarm her enemies. This dog looks property that is installed as absolute territory and will not tolerate the presence of other beings. Susceptibility is one of the native features of the breed. Will not hesitate to attack large animals such as bears and pumas and you are brave chest packs of wolves, coyotes and jackals. It is very true master, but does not trust strangers. Supports enough good interaction with children. Day prefer a retracted position, lying down in an area where it provides the possibility to visually monitor territory. The dog will nap during the day, but will always have an eye on others. Night is the usual behavior of an active guardian, patrolling his tireless territory.

About training

Because of size, power, speed of reaction and specific temperament, a Komondor needs to begin early in training exercises (4-8 months), or being able to record the dangerous development of behavior. Its a pretty smart dog, but gets bored pretty quickly when routine gets the exercise and becomes stubborn and uncooperative. Needs to be always induce a state cheerful and background work needs to be an optimistic one. Praise is a necessity in training with a Komondor, but punctual corrections. If you will be allowed to display unfriendly and hostile behavior, the dog will be very easy in this "business card". Therefore, consistent corrections even from a young puppy are necessary to ensure the development of a well-adjusted adult dog with behavior. Komondor needs early socialization and still young to be exposed to many new situations.

Because watchdog instincts are very strong (implemented in character naturally), lack of socialization can lead to an excess of aggression in situations where dog face situations or new people. Naturally it was a dog who was allowed a wide discretion as to who will react quite difficult to Obedience training. Learn more difficult commands for training, but once, and will itself an order will follow consistently.

Care and sensitivity to disease

The coat of this breed does not brush, but be crushed by hand that forms tufts of fluff falling if you want to form a coat in the form of Fringe. When it comes to bathing, activity is recommended only in summer because its very dense coat needs a few days to dry completely. Komondor needs a large field in which to make their daily movement, a large yard is the best choice. It is an outdoor dog, good supporting temperature variations during all seasons. Not recommended as an indoor dog, that dog is too big and behavior specific, always on the alert keeper will make difficult to bear. It is a watchdog for herds of herbivores excellent for properties and homes.
The most commonly reported diseases in the Komondor breed: hip dysplasia, entropion, cataracts, gastric torsion.

Our conclusion: 
Komondor dog is a solid and reliable guard role. Its appearance commands respect, but the respect and obedience dog training are just a consistently developed very strict and well executed. Were and remained herding dogs, always ready to protect their property master, confident in their strength and unimpressed. Are the equivalent of the Swiss Guard papal palace: sober, vigilant, uncompromising. Always on duty.

Traditional name Komondor breed dogs:
Males: Akela, Android, Attila, Bob Marley, Carpet, gorgy, Killer, Magnum, Paladin, Perfect, Rastafa, Terror, Tobias
Females: Alegria, leggings, Celeste, Csillo, Erji, Forza, Kala, Kobra, Marta, Sarafina, Tarantella, Thuringia

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