In this article - the importance of eliminating Corn and Soy from your dogs and cats diet, failure to do so can cost your dog and cat its health and shorten its life-span.

Corn and Soy are NOT species appropriate foods for dogs and cats;
  • Corn and Soy (in North America) are grown from genetically modified, round-up ready agent orange seeds:
  • Remember agent orange and the Vietnam War?
Large Factory Farm corn and soy: 
    • Are a source of carcinogens and toxins;
    • Contain endocrine disruptors;
    • Contain very high levels of pesticides.

    Species Inappropriate

    Grains are not part of a dog’s (or cat’s) natural diet - you can read more about that here. When a dog or cat is fed a diet that includes corn and/or soy and related derivatives the dog’s health is placed at grave risk.

    Genetically Modified

    Corn and soybeans in the USA and Canada are almost all grown from Genetically Modified (GM) seeds (shame on Monsanto!).
    The long term affect of ingesting GM food is not known. 

    Genetically modified corn has now been proven to cause the growth of tumors.

    High Levels of Photoestrogens and Phytates

    Large factory farms use a method to process soy that:
    • Creates very high levels of photoestrogens in the processed soy; 
    • Creates very high levels of phytates in the processed soy; 


    Photoestrogens mimic the bodys natural estrogen hormones;
    • For males this can lead to increased of cancer and reproductive issues;
    • For females this can lead to cancer and reproductive issues;
    • Photoestrogens are so powerful that a baby that consumes soy formula can end-up consuming the equivalent of 4 birth control pills a day;
    • Now compare the weight of a baby to that of many smaller dogs and to cats - and consider that many dog and cat foods have a high content of soy;
    • In addition it is important to note that any system in the body that is controlled by hormones, can be severely adversely effected by endocrine (hormone) disruptors; 
      •  Hormone disruptors are known to cause:
        • Learning disabilities;
        • Severe attention deficit disorders, hyper activity;
        • Cognitive and brain development problems;
        • Cancer.;
    Goitrogens - a potent anti-thyroid photoestrogent present in soy, can cause thyroid disorders...
    • An ever increasing number of dogs are afflicted by thyroid problems - the source of the problem - soy in commercial dog and cat food and treats;

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