In this article...
1. Introduction
2. General Cautions
3. Herbs and Spices for Dogs
    3.1 Herbs and Spices that are Safe, Beneficial for Dogs
    3.2 Herbs and Spices that are NOT Safe for Dogs
4. Herbs and Spices for Cats 
5. General Guideline for Daily Herbal Intake

1.0 Introduction

There are many herbs and spices that can be added to your dogs and cats daily diet. Herbs and spices can be very rich in nutrients vital to the daily maintenance of your dogs and cats health - for example...
  • Boost the immune system;
  • Repel and eliminate insects, parasites and associated symptoms and conditions;
  • Treat and remedy many health conditions - ailments, chronic conditions, viruses etc., help prevent degenerative effects of aging, help prevent  cancer;
  • Help heal wounds;
  • etc.
I use many different herbs and spices on a daily basis to support the health of my dogs and cats.

To ensure that the herb or spice you are using has maximum benefits and efficacy use organic products only.

2.0 General Cautions

Before you use any herb or spice on your dog or cat - as part of his/hers daily diet,as an ingested treatment/remedy or as a topical treatment - understand possible:
  1. Cautions, if any;
  2. Side effects if any; 
  3. Drug interactions if any - if your dog or cat is on any conventional drug;
  4. Interactions between herbs/spices if you are using multiple herbs and spices.
Failure to understand and do items 1. to 4. above can result in your dog or cat experiencing a health threatening adverse reaction.

While certain herbs and spices do not create a hazard by themselves they can interfere with conventional western medicines - for example but not limited to...
  • Aspirin
  • Antibiotics
  • Cardiac drugs
  • Central Nervous System drugs
  • Chemotherapy drugs
  • Diabetic / Hypoglycemic drugs (i.e. Insulin)
  • Diuretics (i.e. Furosemide, Diazide)
  • Drugs changed by the liver;
  • Hormones (i.e. Thyroxine)
  • Steroids
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) i.e. Rimadyl
    • Please note - Turmeric and Curcumin will notdegrade the effects of Glucosamine, Chondrotin or MSN, and can be used with Turmeric and Curcumin.
Not all herbs and spices are safe for pregnant or lactating dogs and cats, or for puppies and littens.
Make sure you do your homework or get advise prior to introducing herbs and spices to your dogs , cats diet/ health care regimen.

3.0 Herbs and Spices for Dogs...
3.1 Herbs and Spices That are Safe, Beneficial for Dogs

The following provides a partial list of herbs and spices that are safe for dogs to ingest. Some are also safe and effective for topical applications as well…as noted in section 2.0 above make sure you do your research prior to providing any herb or spice to your dog for ingestion or topical application...
